Gamma Slice is a puzzle game based on cutting the corners of squares containing triangles. The triangles are of four different colors. When they match, they disappear. How many can you clear from the well before the time is up?

Arrow keys - Position the scissors
O (Z) - Flip the scissors
X (X) - Cut

The scissors will cut along the diagonal of any given square and flip the triangles inside!

Code & Sound: Derek Andrews

Graphics: Jeff Barr


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Hey, great to see some Pico-8 stuff on here!  I should really get back on that bandwagon.  I started a port of the C64 game "Island Rescue" but never got around to finishing it.

I actually came by here to see if you had an itch page for Owlia.  I'm almost at the end. It's been really great and had some suggestions for feedback, but I guess that project's done and over with, eh?  lol.


Very fun and creative! I tried it a few times and it got more fun as I learned the logic of the game :D

I don't know if you've heard of Game Development World Championship before (gdwc2019) but it's a competition for indie game developers where they can submit their games and it's free! It's great if you want some more visibility for the game and it only takes a couple of minutes to join :)


Cool  little game! My high score is 1660 so far, but I think that could be improved with a better seed and less control errors.